Streetworks Overview

The New Road and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA)

The main reason for the introduction of the New Road and Street Works Act was to standardise all works on the highway, and to ensure that the highway authorities and utility companies co-ordinate their work activities effectively, in doing so this would lead to an increase in road safety, reduce congestion and minimise disruption to road users and the general public.

Anyone working on the highway should hold a Street Works card although the minimum is that one person in each team holds the certificates relevant to their work. However this is liable to change in the near future.

Getting Qualified

  • If you are new to street works you first need to attend our approved assessment centre. We will assess you in theoretical knowledge and practical skills in your chosen subjects.
  • If you pass your course, we will notify the awarding body in order to claim your certification, after which we contact the registration body who issue the Street Works cards. They in turn contact the awarding body to confirm the certificates that you have achieved (these were formerly known as units).  The registration body will then record the certificate on the Street Works register and issue you with a Street Works card.  Each certificate on the card will last for 5 years from the certification date, ie. the date the awarding organisation issues the certificate.
  • Details of the new Certifications are listed on the following pages.

Farleys Training is accredited by City & Guilds to deliver the certificates which are listed on our initial courses page, these meet the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act.

Standard course are:
Operatives Certificates LA, O1 – O5 & O8
Supervisor Certificates LA, S1 – S5 & S7
Certificates O1 & S1
Individual Certificates can be taken